Location: 43.79481 -70.94123
From its intersection with 25, drive southeast on Cross Street 110 yards. The cemetery is on the right (southwest) side of the road. This overgrown cemetery is surrounded by granite posts and contains many grave depressions but only one gravestone, leaning against a tree.
Historical Information: The only stone found is a very old one for John Kimball, died 11/7/1818. It is currently leaning against a tree to the right of the entrance. No information was found about this Kimball family. This cemetery is marked on the 1875 Porter Village map.
Condition (10/20/19): This is a large cemetery with many grave depressions. Large trees are growing inside the bounds but someone has recently cut some of the smaller saplings. It is unknown where the single gravestone belongs. The ground was probed but no other gravestones were found.