Eaton Center Cemetery

AKA Little White Church Cemetery

Eaton Center Cemetery

Find-A-Grave Listing

Location: 43.90873 -71.07988

This stone-walled cemetery is located on the east side of Route 153 in Eaton Center, just southeast of the Little White Church. 

Condition (2021): This cemetery is well-maintained by the town of Eaton. There are multiple sections, including a higher section to the north and a lower one to the south. The back (east) section is the oldest and contains some graves only marked by fieldstones. A new section has been added to the south of this oldest section.

In 2020 and 2021, the town of Eaton hired Jess Davis to complete restoration work on the downed stones in the cemetery. Thirteen stones were worked on, including the following:

Henry and Sarah Allard Before Restoration
Henry and Sarah Allard After Restoration
Daniel Sawyer Before Restoration
Daniel Sawyer After Restoration