Location: 43.95794 -71.07915
From its intersection with Stark Road, drive southeast on Cove Road just over 0.4 miles. The cemetery, consisting of one gravestone with no enclosure, is on the right (southwest) side of the road about 150 feet in.
Historical Information: Seth Blossom Keith was living across the road from the cemetery by at least 1830. His mother was a Blossom, which may be why this area was sometimes referred to as the “Blossom Place.” Seth’s son Edwin eventually took over the farm with his wife, Elizabeth (Jones) Keith. It is one of their sons, George W., who is buried here. In June 1869, Edwin and Elizabeth were divorced and Edwin married Nellie (Goldsmith).
Condition (12/24/2019): The single gravestone is standing. It does not appear that there are any other graves. The area is wooded and grown up, with no enclosure.