Location: 43.86734 -70.84496
From its intersection with Hiram Hill Road, drive southwest 1 mile on Richardson Road. At a bend in the road, near a speed limit sign on the left (south) side, is an area marked off with flagging tape. Six granite posts lay on the ground. The headstones for the Joshua Robbins family have been moved to a plot in the Hiram Village Cemetery.

Historical Information: This cemetery has incorrectly been identified by past historians as a Ridlon cemetery, and on an old topo map as a Cotton cemetery. The confirmation that this cemetery was for the Robbins family is found in the record for a Civil War Headstone provided for Franklin Robbins. This record indicates that the headstone was placed in a family cemetery in Hiram in 1879. This same headstone is now in the new plot in Hiram Village Cemetery.
Joshua Robbins bought the land of his homestead farm on Richardson Road in 1827. He married Betsy (Ridlon) in 1832 and they had at least 13 children. Seven were buried with them in the Robbins Cemetery: Franklin, Hannah G., Joshua Jr, Martha M., Emma, Mary A., and Levina W. There is also a gravestone for “Isaac Robbins and his wife” though no information could be found about them.
Condition (11/28/2020): Sometime prior to 1980 the gravestones (and hopefully the graves) in the Robbins Cemetery were moved to a plot in Hiram Village Cemetery. All of the gravestones are standing except one.