Location: 43.80809 -70.91984
From its intersection with Route 25, drive north on Colcord Pond Road 0.9 miles. The small family cemetery is in the woods on the right (north) side of the road. It is surrounded by granite posts.
Historical Information: Joseph and Elizabeth (Coffin) Towle came to Porter around 1800 and settled near this cemetery. They both died in Porter (Joseph in 1820 and Elizabeth in 1829) and it is probable that they are buried here. Their son, Daniel (Sr) also lived here until his death in 1875. He and his wife Betsey (Mason) Towle are buried here.
Daniel Sr’s son Daniel Jr married Maria J. (Tibbetts) Towle. They lived with Daniel Sr and Betsey just to the west of the cemetery. Four of their children died young and are buried in the cemetery. Daniel Jr and Maria later moved to Massachusetts.
According to long-time resident Dottie Locke, the obelisk for William and Nancy Towle that is currently in Porter Village Cemetery was originally in the Towle Cemetery and was moved in the 1950s or 1960s. There is no proof that this is true. The plot at Porter Village also includes William’s parents, David and Sally (Marden) Towle. (David was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Coffin) Towle.) It seems odd that William and Nancy wouldn’t have been buried in the family plot in Porter Village in the first place, especially since they lived with David and Sally in the village of Porter.
Condition (9/15/19): This cemetery is in a wooded area but the growth has been mostly kept out of it. Two stones have their tops broken off and a third is lying down.