Find-A-Grave Listing (includes individual gravestone photos and genealogy information)
Location: 43.83789 -70.87739
From its intersection with New Settlement Road, drive north 0.34 miles on Tripptown Road to a large barn on the right (east) side. The cemetery, which is surrounded by granite posts, is visible to the northeast across the field 145 yards. (The newer Dexter-Murray Cemetery is just to the south.)
Historical Information: This cemetery contains the graves of the Peleg Clemons Wadsworth family. Besides many of his children and grandchildren, his brother Frank and his family are buried here. Also buried here are Peleg C.’s niece, Ruth (Wadsworth) Poindexter, and three of her children. Finally, Seth Spring, a brother of Peleg C.’s first wife, and his wife Hannah (Cilley) Spring, are buried here.
Condition (4/9/2021): This cemetery was recently cleaned of brush and is well-maintained. The gravestones show signs of having been reset in the past, perhaps not in their exact original locations. Some footstones are set as headstones, not in line with their own graves. The stones are generally in good condition.