Location: 43.89953 -71.03911
This cemetery is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Bull Pasture Road and Stewart Road. It is approximately 200 feet in from each road and is surrounded by a stone wall. There appear to be approximately ten graves marked with fieldstones or grave depressions.
Historical Information: This cemetery has been referred to as the Ward Cemetery in the past. Nancy Malvesta’s records indicate that Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Mehitable (Thompson) Ward, is buried here. This would make sense, as Daniel was living in the house next to the cemetery in 1850.
There is also a state record for Samuel and Charlotte (Thompson) Stuart stating that in 1921 they were disinterred from Stuart Cemetery and reinterred in the Snowville Cemetery. Again, this makes sense as they owned the house next to the cemetery after Daniel Ward. There is also a deep depression in the southeast corner of the cemetery consistent with a disinterment. A granite monument now stands in Snowville Cemetery and also includes the names of two of Samuel’s daughters: Charlotte (1845-1853) and Martha (1843-1921, wife of Samuel Doeg/Doick). It is likely that at least Charlotte was first buried at the Stuart Cemetery, or still is.
The only carved gravestone in the cemetery is for Allan and Norman, young sons of Adriel L. and Abbie A. Stuart. Adriel L. was the son of Samuel and owned the house after his death.
Condition (4/29/20): This cemetery is overgrown with saplings and needs to be cut. The one carved gravestone has fallen and was buried under debris.