Location: 43.87311 -70.85722
From its intersection with Richardson Road, drive north on Maple Hill Run 0.65 miles to a T. Bear left (west) and drive 100 yards. The small stone-walled cemetery is in the yard of the first house on the right (north) side of the road.
Historical Information: This cemetery contains the graves of William Cotton II, his wife Levina (Clemons) Cotton, two of their daughters (Lydia and Ruth), as well as their son-in-law Alexander. William Cotton II’s cellar hole is next to the cemetery. Most of the graves in this cemetery are in the front row. There are other possible grave depressions.
Condition (6/2/2020): The five gravestones are standing, though they face in different directions, indicating past resetting. The neighbors in the house next to the cemetery mow it yearly.